tyre pyrolysis Tag

What is the future of tyre pyrolysis? What do I think is the future of tyre pyrolysis? I am writing this article inspired by a Linkedin post of my UK contact Howard Jackson. There are so many facets of tyre pyrolysis that could be improved. I see...

(September 28th, 2024, by Martin von Wolfersdorff, reading time about 2 mins) Which are the best recovered carbon black resources? Being the global expert for recovered carbon black, I quite often get asked to "send information about recovered carbon black". I usually send 3 links, my...

At the end of 2022, I recently made my webinar on recovered carbon black in plastic concentrates available for free on Youtube. In this unique webinar that was originally recorded in 2020, I start with an overview of recovered carbon black and follow it with an...

July 27th 2020: Big news from Osnabrück: Stadtwerke Osnabrück AG, the utility company of Osnabrück, is building a modern tire pyrolysis plant in the port district Piesberg. This will be the first public sector tire pyrolysis plant. The Stadtwerke Osnabrück invest about 70m € into...

This map contains custom rubber compounders, plastics compounders, plastic concentrate producers as well as tire manufacturers. As a result, these could be interesting areas to sell recovered carbon black in America. This was taken from the new report "North American market for recovered carbon black". You can...

It is the first of December 2018. I am writing from Shanghai & I am still in full throttle of recovered carbon black consulting work! For me, the current travel year started off in January with the meeting of the Sustainable Materials Group in London. The 2019 meeting...

An all-star cast of the tire pyrolysis industry talking about recovered carbon black opportunities. Join us for a special workshop during Carbon Black World 2018! Where: Hilton Düsseldorf, Georg-Glock-Straße 20, 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany When: September 24th, 13h30 Comment "voucher" if you want a 10% voucher for this conference! #carbonblack #carbonblackworld...

I have just submitted my presentation for the Tire Technology conference: "What tire companies should look for when investing in tire pyrolysis". See you in Hannover on February 21st in Stream 7 "Research for Sustainable and Reclaimed Materials"! #global #tire #pyrolysis #technology #benchmarking #consulting ...