
As we closed out 2022, I decided to upload my RCB in Inks and Coatings webinar to my Youtube channel and make it available for free. This webinar which was originally recorded back in 2020, begins with an introduction to recovered carbon black, followed by a...

At the end of 2022, we were delighted to be involved in the organisation of the Recovered Carbon Black Conference with Smithers. The Recovered Carbon Black Conference was held on November 16th and 17th and attracted over 200 rCB representatives. The conference provided a valuable opportunity...

Artificial intelligence is a bit of a buzz word these days and its capacities are routinely discussed as to what it will be able to help or even replace. I recently watched a video by popular Youtube Marques Brownlee's about artificial intelligence. It goes without...

The carbon footprint of carbon black is not as easy to specify as you might think. Let us look at the details! Manufacturers of alternative rubber fillers like to claim a benefit of CO2 avoidance over furnace carbon blacks. Buyers of rubber fillers also start to...

  Dear friends, How are you? Today we have three recovered Carbon Black news items for you: 1. The Conference date and the location of the Recovered Carbon Black Conference 2022 are now confirmed! Please mark November 16th/17th 2022 in your calendar. We will see you again in the...

The tire producers Bridgestone and Michelin join forces for tire-to tire recycling. On the Recovered Carbon Black Congress on November 22nd/23rd 2021 in Amsterdam, Bridgestone and Michelin will deliver a joint keynote on advancing sustainable ecosystems for end-of-life tires together, including the increased use of recovered...

July 27th 2020: Big news from Osnabrück: Stadtwerke Osnabrück AG, the utility company of Osnabrück, is building a modern tire pyrolysis plant in the port district Piesberg. This will be the first public sector tire pyrolysis plant. The Stadtwerke Osnabrück invest about 70m € into...

(5) July 29th 14h00 CEST: rCB dans mélange-maîtres (🇫🇷) (6) August 12th 14h00 CEST: rCB in inks & coatings (🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇸) (7) September 8th - 10th Virtual recovered Carbon Black Congress (🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇸) (8) September 23th 14h00 CEST Introduction to titanium dioxide TiO2 (🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇸) (9) October 7th 14h00 CEST Introduction to growth hacking (🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇸) (10) October 21st...